Well, in this article, I am going to share my views with you on some fact which exists already. But I am going to develop this into a theory and I name it as “Inversion of circumstances”. We can very well consider so many situations to understand this concept, which we come across everyday. Starting from dawn to dusk, and from the birth to death…
Let me get down a bit simpler. As far I was under graduation, everything appeared to be so simple. The toughest competition considered was either within the class, or at the most within the college. It was almost like being domesticated, or to be short, was like that of living in a sanctuary (Pardon me for using this word here, because I thought that this was more apt, for we are Animals indeed…!). Being tamed was neither painful, nor uncomfortable. Just as a tiger which gets its own fierceness dampened at the sight of the steak, I got used to get compromised with the things I got, though I deserved something better at times. Anyhow, no matter even if the thriving, rather, surviving conditions were hard at me, I felt safe. I felt safe, just because I thought that was home, and may be I failed to smell the outer world.
But after the completion of the 4 successful years of graduation, things came into a better view. Yeah, I was on the loose into a new wilderness from the warmth of the easy going sanctuary. I was flabbergasted at the sight of the huge number of creatures like me, going in search of the same pasture and oasis just like me; whose existence I almost doubt now. I haven’t traveled much, but my legs tremble and ache, looking at the blood-thirsty attacks made on fellow creatures and the betrayal performed like some daily routine…..!
I am tired, fine, but I am not going to give up my journey… I don’t want to grow my belly with someone else’s hunt. I have started to get the hunter’s instincts but I am a mound of clay that is wet still. I have the drive within and I am sure that I will somehow find my destination. All I am feeling now is the thirst, and I fervently wish that I find the right path before I succumb to this thirst. That’s why I am waiting in this hide, watching my fellow beings move past me, traveling in all directions. I feel the urge to get back on my knees each time I see a creature pass by, but I am going to be unusually patient this time. I will wait till their body scents go off the air… then I can sniff and find my way towards my pasture.
So things got inverted from what they were when I was inside the college. People’s character got inverted; views got inverted; even love got inverted… well in this inversion I will start my invasion. I am certainly not going to act like Napoleon, for I have a different target.
Huh oh, its getting dark… wait, I see a light far away… may be I can find something out there… there are skeletons In that path, should I follow them or take a different route…? Did they die contented of living a better life, or did they die before contentedly knowing what life was? What ever it is, wait till I come back, if at all I come back…